If you would like us to consider your barn or have it posted on our web site to possibly be referred to a barn removal professional in your area please read and agree to all the information here.
We do travel far or try to refer to dismantlers all over the country just to keep the wood from a land fill.
Your personal information will not be posted but stored in our data base and only be given to serious inquiries to get your barn removed. We will then remove your information when you contact us that our services are no longer needed.
We or another dismantler will contact you only when there is an interest in your barn. This may be quick or take some years.
Many of the barns are removed on a supply and demand basis. So please be patient in the understanding that we make every effort to keep this a free or low cost opportunity. We cannot answer any questions about your barn or tell if we or others are interested without the Barn Removal Request form filled out and preferable pictures sent to barns@timelesslumber.com.
We spend a lot of time and effort posting and making sure our web site info is up to date. Much of that is contacting and referring these barns to other dismantlers free of charge to you the barn owner.
In submitting the form you agree to help us in this effort by contacting us when your barn has been removed or its condition has changed. You also agree that the barn details can be advertised on our web site minus your contact information.
To answer most common questions definitely read What We Are Looking For to perform a free barn removal before you call. Generally we are looking for pre 1930 barns but some special circumstances can change that.
Thank you for your time and understanding, and the chance to serve your barn removal needs.
As a note; We cannot evaluate or refer your barn without good details and pictures.
Please click! The button below in order to fill out a Barn Removal Request form.
After you have submitted a request, email pictures of inside and out in large megapixel format to barns@timelesslumber.com.
Use your email address and name as filled out on the form, and include the full barn address (including the city and state) in the subject line.
If you need to contact us about your barn, or you feel there is some more info that should be on this page, don’t call. Please email us at barns@timelesslumber.com.
We do not like to see any parts of these barns go to waste. See what we and others build and sell on our Distinctive Products and Miscellaneous Projects pages.
Due to the overwhelming response to this web page, we are looking for Barn remover / dismantlers in all states.
Go to our Barn Removers Needed page to learn more.